trick or treat

Daniel Does Amish Country

I went on a hayride that was supposed to be "magical" where you plant "magical pumpkin seeds" and use "magical water".  After planting we went on a little hayride... when we returned "magically" pumpkins appeared. I caught on to what was really going on, because pumpkin seed was still there... it was a dead give away!

Probably one of the most interesting parts of this trip was me carving a pumpkin by myself! It was really fun to make my pumpkin look however I wanted.

Before I went trick or treating my mom made me go in the parade with Yogi Bear. It was kind of embarrassing when my mom kept walking next to the parade and saying "Daniel I'm right over here"! I almost jumped the line!

When I went trick or treating I got a full bucket of candy! Probably the best I got were Twix and Kit Kat. I know my mom is just waiting for her chance to swipe some... I wish I had a safe!!!

Amish Country... A Great Fall Weekend Spot!

Amish Country... A Great Fall Weekend Spot!

We wanted to take one last trip with the trailer in 2016. We looked for a place within 2 hours of home, that would be fun for Daniel, with some local attractions, and that’s naturally beautiful. We thought about Amish Country and did a search for campgrounds… Yogi Bear’s Whispering Hills Jellystone Camp Resort in Big Prairie! Perfect!...