
The Most Important Step...

So… what’s missing? How does your awesome day differ from your typical days now? How big are the gaps? The first time I imagined my awesome day my gaps felt gigantic. I put together a vision of what I wanted my life to look and feel like and I had a hard time believing I could get there...

Stop Asking "What's Wrong?" And Ask This Instead...

How often do you ask someone else “what’s wrong?”? How often do you ask yourself this question? When we sense that things aren’t amazing… when we feel that we aren’t fulfilling our purpose… when we aren’t sure of the direction we should take… when there’s any sort of discontent with our lives, we automatically assume that something is wrong. We want to zero in on the “problem” and zap it as quickly as possible!...

No More Resolutions And Goals... It's Time For Transformation!

Happy New Year! How do you feel? Are you pumped up to start 2017? Maybe you are excited because you understand your passions better than you ever have, but aren’t sure what to do next? Or, maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by another year and another set of goals and resolutions… maybe a little defeated by goals and resolutions that are hanging around from the past that you just can’t seem to make happen?...

Finding Our Passions... So What?!

So, now you know… you know what drives you, what lights you up, what puts you in the flow. You know yourself and can feel a peace and satisfaction with finally knowing who you really are. When you think about your passions, you think… wow… that’s me!... and it feels so right. Some of it may be surprising, or even scary, but it’s authentic and empowering...

Finding Our Passions... Our Dislikes Reveal A Lot...

We all do things that we don’t like doing. There are things that we accept as simple necessities, like cleaning for example (I don’t like cleaning!). But other dislikes can be really disruptive and prevent us from finding and using our passions… not liking a skill that we’ve built our careers around or making a home in an area that we aren’t comfortable with are big deals. If we aren’t honed in on precisely what we don’t like we may mistake our dislike for something else much broader like a career, relationship, organization, etc. Often people start to feel like life is just going through the motions and envisioning being passionate about anything becomes a challenge...

Finding Our Passions... Let's Focus On Now...

What are your greatest passions? What ignites the spark within you? Do you know? For many of us, we don't know. I remember being there... Finding our passions is the first step in finding and living the lives we are meant to live. Let's Focus On Now is the 2nd video in a 4 part series focused on finding our passions...

Finding Our Passions... A Trip Down Memory Lane...

Welcome to Finding Our Passions! This is the first video in a four video series all focused on finding our passions. By the end of the series it will almost be 2017, and you'll enter the new year with a whole new perspective on the deep passions that drive your happiness, fulfillment, and purpose, and the value you bring to the world. Finding our passions is the first step in developing the visions for our lives... lots more on vision, courage, and transformation in 2017! Let's take the first step now...

It's Time... Own Your Purpose!

Do you really want to live the life you are meant to live? Do you really want to look back without wondering what could have been? Do you really want to find the spark that wakes you at night and tells you there’s something more? Are you all in?...

Who Is Limiting Me? Who Am I Limiting?

What do you want your life to look like? What are you burning to do, but feel you can’t do now? 10 years ago, what did you think your life would be like now? How about 20 years ago? For many of us, we want our lives to look different in some way, there’s something that we’re putting off, or there are gaps between the life we envisioned and where we are now. Why is this? Often times we think money is the culprit… If only we had more money, we could do _____. Think again… if we dig deeper there’s something else…

Why Was I Placed In Your Life?

Have you ever met someone and felt that person was placed in your life for some profound but unknown reason?  Do you ever look back at events and clearly see the impact a person made on your life?  I’ve often thought about events, lessons learned, and growth I’ve experienced because of people in my life.  When I meet people I often find myself wondering why they were placed in my life...

The Truth About Truth And Authenticity

Truth and Authenticity… big buzz words these days… what do these words mean to you? Do you feel you can live your truth and be your authentic self all the time? Do you feel constrained by expectations, work culture, community culture, social goals, etc.? Do you dream of being liberated from the constraints?...

October... The Season To Shed Limitations

October… we see the old year starting to fall away and the new year beginning to take shape. For those of us who live in an area of the world where leaves fall from the trees, we watch nature go through this process in front of us. This October I feel particularly reflective, as I remember last October…

How Resilience And The Joy Of Being Humbled Lead To Our Courage

Two totally separate situations. Different people, different conversations, and different settings. One reflective moment over coffee. One big mistake and a walk up a really big hill. Both lead me to courage...

Want Freedom? Ask Yourself 8 Questions Before Making A Lifestyle Investment…

Do you want freedom to explore life? To pivot when it feels right? To be completely in love with your life now, not later? Yes?! Me too! What’s holding you back? If your experience is anything like mine, money is a huge barrier… either you don’t have enough, or you have more than you ever expected and you don’t want to give it up…

Give Up Control And Set Yourself Free!

Do you like to control things? No? Really think about the question in all areas of your life… work, relationships, food, family, schedule, organizations. For most of us I bet we can find at least one, of not more, areas of our lives where we feel a great desire to control. This doesn’t mean we’re crazy control freaks… we just know how we want things to turn out… right?...

Are you aware? A simple exercise to raise awareness and see all kinds of great things start to happen!

Put down your phone and anything else that’s taking your attention at this moment. How does your body feel? What can you hear? What do you see? What do you feel? Does any of this surprise you? Are you noticing anything you haven’t noticed before? Take your time and go through these questions again…