How often do I stop thinking? Do I allow my mind time to rest? Though it might sound counterproductive, sometimes stopping is the most productive thing we can do. Meditation is a fantastic way to let our minds rest… if you're not quite ready for meditation try taking a walk in nature, listening to calm music with no lyrics, driving without any sound (no radio, phone, etc.), drawing, or anything else that sets your mind free...
The Open Organization: Igniting Passion and Performance by Jim Whitehurst
The Open Organization: Igniting Passion and Performance by Jim Whitehurst allows us to experience a new kind of organization... an organization that is focused on openness, transparency, diversity, servant leadership, autonomy, and ultimately creating a place where people can thrive and drive optimal results/value. Something I love about this book is that it goes beyond talking about how to structure the organization and theories of how people will respond... it gets into the nitty gritty of leadership within an open organization, which is critical to making an organization truly open. Jim Whitehurst's firsthand leadership experiences are valuable for anyone in any type of leadership position who's truly interested in servant leadership and creating an environment where people are passionate about what they do...
Need Help Meditating? is an awesome resource for meditation courses and tools. I just downloaded the OmHarmonics music for meditation and will post about it once I've used it for a while.
How To Turn Uncertainty Into Power, Not Paralysis
The Journey To Meditate... How I Stopped Thinking For a Few Minutes
Every minute counts… right? We need to be as productive as possible and not waste any time! If we buy in to this, logically it follows that we need to keep our minds actively thinking all the time… producing. For much of my life, I embraced this mindset and used my brain every moment of every day and night… even when I was sleeping… including dreams I’ve had about complex problems I was trying to solve! Sound familiar??...