If you feel overworked, overstressed, overburdened, etc., O-Syndrome: When Work is 24/7 and You're Not, by Theresa M. Robinson is for you! Theresa Robinson's years of coaching and facilitating groups of professionals give her great insights into the struggles highly successful professionals face, how they impact our lives, and how to overcome them.
Going With The Flow...
Do I "go with the flow"? How about when I don't like the "flow"? Sometimes the "flow" isn't really attractive and our first instinct is to try to control it or fight it. But, what if something else better is right around the corner? The next time you try to fight the flow, stop, and imagine what if?? Look for unexpected alternatives and opportunities... sometimes the most amazing things are right in front of us!
End Of The World by Dirty Heads
Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal
Looking for a book that will open you to new perspectives and challenge you to think differently? Check out Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal. Stealing Fire takes the reader on a tour of some of the most cutting edge and, in some cases, controversial explorations occurring right now. These explorations seek access to rare states of consciousness to solve critical problems and operate at optimum levels through 4 "accelerating forces"... psychology, neurobiology, technology, and pharmacology. If you're interested in how people access "the flow", intuition, and powerful sub-consious information, this book is right up your alley!
Mind reeling...
When my mind is reeling out of control, what am I avoiding? Often times when our minds get hijacked by reeling thoughts there's something else going on… something that we know we need to deal with but it's scary or painful. The mind reeling lets us deflect to something else. The next time your mind is reeling take a pause and really think about the most important things in your life right now and shift your mind to taking action...
Step Out Into The Light by Matisyahu
Step Out Into The Light by Matisyahu just came out last week and is awesome… it reminds me that sometimes as we work and we reach and we search, we move farther away from what we're truly searching for… we need to stop hiding from ourselves and step out into the light...
One by U2
Tapping Into Wealth by Margaret M. Lynch
Money… it can be amazing. However, money is a huge source of stress for many people and unlockig this pent up stress and anxiety is critical to developing healthy relationships with money. Tapping Into Wealth by Margaret M. Lynch is a fantastic book that helps us uncover our hidden money anxieties and uses tapping to relieve our anxieties. Not sure what tapping is? The book explains it all... keep an open mind... tapping might seem strange at first, but I can tell you that it is highly effective...
Making An Impact...
The Open Organization: Igniting Passion and Performance by Jim Whitehurst
The Open Organization: Igniting Passion and Performance by Jim Whitehurst allows us to experience a new kind of organization... an organization that is focused on openness, transparency, diversity, servant leadership, autonomy, and ultimately creating a place where people can thrive and drive optimal results/value. Something I love about this book is that it goes beyond talking about how to structure the organization and theories of how people will respond... it gets into the nitty gritty of leadership within an open organization, which is critical to making an organization truly open. Jim Whitehurst's firsthand leadership experiences are valuable for anyone in any type of leadership position who's truly interested in servant leadership and creating an environment where people are passionate about what they do...
Creativity Daily!
What is my favorite creative activity? Is it part of my daily life? Adding creativity to daily life lifts our moods, helps us think more clearly, and allows us to practice thinking creatively. What's the benefit of thinking creatively?? Innovation, out of the box ideas, problem solving, seeing new patterns, designing new solutions... I could go on and on...
Check Out These Great Articles!
What Am I Avoiding?
When I think of the terms "I always" or "I never", what do I think of? What other absolutes do I use in my thinking or words (for example "my kids always _____", "my family never does _____")? Are these absolutes really accurate? Why? We often use absolutes to avoid making needed changes. Next time use "I choose" instead of an absolute term and observe how this feels. It's the start of a powerful and empowering mind shift...
Rollercoaster by Bleachers
If you read the lyrics of Rollercoaster by Bleachers literally, you'll probably wonder why I'm posting it here... When I hear Rollercoaster and watch the video it reminds me of things in my life that have swept me off my feet... things that seemed so amazing... things that were just out of reach but I could attain with just a little more effort. When these things (could be relationships, career status, expensive things, a certain weight... I could go on and on) became part of my life, many times they weren't what I thought they'd be... When I look back I'm amazed at the rollercoaster rides I took to figure this out!...
Drive by David H. Pink
What motivates us? Drive by David H. Pink delves into the latest research and proposes answers that are counter to many of the rewards, incentives, and penalties that exist in our world. David H. Pink introduces a new way for individuals to approach the world and a new way for us to motivate others.. bottom line intrinsic rewards are the key... think purpose, flow, passions, impact. In addition to turning a topic that can get pretty thick into a really fun and easy read, David H. Pink devotes the last section of the book to really practical action steps that we can use to transform ourselves, our organizations, and how we teach our kids...
Echo by The Movement
Echo by The Movement has a great upbeat tune while reminding us of the cycles of life both here and beyond...
Living an Inspired Life by Dr. Wayne Dyer
What does it mean to be inspired? How does being inspired feel? Is inspiration reserved for a chosen few? Living an Inspired Life by Dr. Wayne Dyer offers an empowering perspective on inspiration and helps the reader understand how he/she can live an inspired life. Living an Inspired Life challenges us to take responsibility for finding our inspiration and living it!...
Africa Performed by Mike Masse (originally by Toto)
Do you remember Africa by Toto? It's an awesome song about choices. Though Toto's version is great, check out Mike Masse's acoustic version… the vocals are amazing! Also, note, Mike Masse does covers of lots of popular songs and in many cases makes the songs even better! You can find his performances by searching YouTube under his name.
Fare The Well by Brad Corrigan (aka Braddigan)
Sometimes we have to let go of somebody, something, or some vision and come back to it later, when it's meant to be a part of our lives. Fare The Well by Brad Corrigan (also recorded under the name Braddigan) is a beautiful song that reminds us to let go... "fare the well" to what we're letting go of, no matter how painful it is...
No More Resolutions And Goals... It's Time For Transformation!
Happy New Year! How do you feel? Are you pumped up to start 2017? Maybe you are excited because you understand your passions better than you ever have, but aren’t sure what to do next? Or, maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by another year and another set of goals and resolutions… maybe a little defeated by goals and resolutions that are hanging around from the past that you just can’t seem to make happen?...