
The Wolves Have Returned by Nahko and Medicine for the People

The Wolves Have Returned by Nahko and Medicine for the People is an awesome song about our connection to each other and the world we live in… we each have our own personal journeys, but we have a journey together too...

Why Was I Placed In Your Life?

Have you ever met someone and felt that person was placed in your life for some profound but unknown reason?  Do you ever look back at events and clearly see the impact a person made on your life?  I’ve often thought about events, lessons learned, and growth I’ve experienced because of people in my life.  When I meet people I often find myself wondering why they were placed in my life...

October... The Season To Shed Limitations

October… we see the old year starting to fall away and the new year beginning to take shape. For those of us who live in an area of the world where leaves fall from the trees, we watch nature go through this process in front of us. This October I feel particularly reflective, as I remember last October…