If you feel overworked, overstressed, overburdened, etc., O-Syndrome: When Work is 24/7 and You're Not, by Theresa M. Robinson is for you! Theresa Robinson's years of coaching and facilitating groups of professionals give her great insights into the struggles highly successful professionals face, how they impact our lives, and how to overcome them.
Finding Our Passions... Our Dislikes Reveal A Lot...
We all do things that we don’t like doing. There are things that we accept as simple necessities, like cleaning for example (I don’t like cleaning!). But other dislikes can be really disruptive and prevent us from finding and using our passions… not liking a skill that we’ve built our careers around or making a home in an area that we aren’t comfortable with are big deals. If we aren’t honed in on precisely what we don’t like we may mistake our dislike for something else much broader like a career, relationship, organization, etc. Often people start to feel like life is just going through the motions and envisioning being passionate about anything becomes a challenge...
It's Time... Own Your Purpose!
October... The Season To Shed Limitations
October… we see the old year starting to fall away and the new year beginning to take shape. For those of us who live in an area of the world where leaves fall from the trees, we watch nature go through this process in front of us. This October I feel particularly reflective, as I remember last October…
How Resilience And The Joy Of Being Humbled Lead To Our Courage
Want Freedom? Ask Yourself 8 Questions Before Making A Lifestyle Investment…
Do you want freedom to explore life? To pivot when it feels right? To be completely in love with your life now, not later? Yes?! Me too! What’s holding you back? If your experience is anything like mine, money is a huge barrier… either you don’t have enough, or you have more than you ever expected and you don’t want to give it up…
Give Up Control And Set Yourself Free!
Do you like to control things? No? Really think about the question in all areas of your life… work, relationships, food, family, schedule, organizations. For most of us I bet we can find at least one, of not more, areas of our lives where we feel a great desire to control. This doesn’t mean we’re crazy control freaks… we just know how we want things to turn out… right?...
What Did I Love Doing When I Was 18??
The Power Of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
The Power of Full Engagement: Managing High Performance and Personal Renewal by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz is the result of years of study on how we manage our energy. It offers practical action steps for energy maximization, which I found really helpful...
Are you aware? A simple exercise to raise awareness and see all kinds of great things start to happen!
Courage...Where Does Courage Come From?
What Will The World Need 10 Years From Now?
Emmanuel's Book by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton
Emmanuel's Book: A Manual For Living Comfortably In The Cosmos by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton is described as a "delightful and invaluable guide to our inner spirit and our outer world". I can't think of a better description. It's not the type of book l could read straight through... I go back to it when I am in a reflective mood and feel the need to go deep on the topics it covers.
Freedom Dancer by Pimps Of Joytime
We discovered Pimps of Joytime at the Freefall Music Festival in Snowshoe, WV, and LOVE them! Freedom Dancer is one of our new favoite songs… super funky and a great message!
What Experience Will I Choose Today?
We can’t control the weather, the people we work with, the neighbor’s dog that barks at 4am, etc. The world we live in throws all kinds of circumstances at us that will happen whether we like it or not. The big question is… how do we handle everything lobbed our way? How will we choose to experience the world?...
Need Help Meditating?
www.mindvalley.com is an awesome resource for meditation courses and tools. I just downloaded the OmHarmonics music for meditation and will post about it once I've used it for a while.
Time To Smile By Xavier Rudd
Time To Smile by Xavier Rudd… the title says it all!
The Shift By Dr. Wayne Dyer
The Shift by Dr. Wayne Dyer is a quick but powerful book about shifting our ambition from constantly getting ahead to a life of meaning and purpose. There is also a movie by the same name.